巴新勒令台机构“摘牌” 耿爽:人心所向、大势所趋
来源:消费保  时间:2019年02月18日 作者:张某某 



  On February 11, the following question was raised by the press: We have learnt that the government of Papua New Guinea recently ordered Taiwan’s “Trade Mission” in the country to change its name to “the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Papua New Guinea” and remove all nameplates and signposts bearing its former name. The government of Papua New Guinea also confiscated their diplomatic and consular license plates. What is your comment?


  A: The Chinese government acknowledges and highly appreciates the Papua New Guinean government’s adherence to the one-China principle in handling Taiwan-related issues. It is just another proof that upholding the one-China principle is the consensus of the international community and corresponds with the trend of the times.


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