来源:消费保  时间:2019年02月21日 作者:张某某 


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang’s Remarks on the Outcomes of the ROK President’s Special Delegation’s Visit to the DPRK


China has noted that the visit of the ROK President’s Special Delegation to the DPRK has achieved positive outcomes and we welcome this. As a close neighbor to the Korean Peninsula, China always supports the efforts made by the DPRK and ROK to improve their relations and the efforts made by all relevant parties to address their respective legitimate concerns, including the security issue through dialogue and consultation so as to promote the process of denuclearization of the Peninsula. We believe that this serves the common interests of all the people on the Peninsula as well as the relevant parties and can also contribute to regional peace and stability. We hope that the DPRK and the ROK can earnestly implement the relevant consensus and continue with their efforts to advance reconciliation and cooperation. We hope that all relevant parties can seize the current opportunity, work for the shared goal and make concerted efforts to promote the process of denuclearization of the Peninsula and politically resolving the Korean Peninsula issue. China is willing to continue to play its due role to this end. 




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